Words that starts with A in Danish

In Danish, words starting with the letter A cover a broad range of meanings. Here's a comprehensive list along with brief descriptions of each word.

  • Abacuss – The Danish term for “abacus”, a tool used for arithmetic calculations.
  • Abbed – Refers to an “abbot”, a religious leader in a monastery.
  • Abonnement – Means “subscription”, often used in the context of magazines, services, or memberships.
  • Aften – Translates to “evening”, the period of the day from late afternoon until night.
  • Aftale – Means “agreement” or “arrangement”, referring to a mutual understanding or contract between parties.
  • Aftensmad – Refers to “dinner” or “evening meal”, the main meal of the day typically eaten in the evening.
  • Agurker – The plural form of “agurk”, meaning “cucumber”, a common vegetable.
  • Aldeles – An adjective meaning “utterly” or “completely”, used to emphasize totality.
  • Alen – A traditional unit of measurement for length, often used in historical contexts.
  • Allerede – Means “already”, indicating that something has happened prior to the current time.
  • Almindelig – Translates to “common” or “ordinary”, used to describe something usual or not special.
  • Aloe – Refers to “aloe”, a type of plant known for its medicinal properties.
  • Alvord – A term used for “blessed” or “holy”, often in a religious context.
  • Ambulance – The same word in Danish as in English, referring to a vehicle used for emergency medical transport.
  • Ammunition – Translates directly as “ammunition”, referring to the material fired, scattered, or detonated from weapons.
  • Amtsblad – Refers to a “county newspaper” or “district paper”, a publication serving local areas.
  • And – Means “duck”, the bird often found in both wild and domestic contexts.
  • Anden – Means “second” or “another”, often used in contexts to denote something additional or next in order.
  • Andragende – Refers to a “petition” or “request”, typically a formal appeal to an authority.
  • Anelse – Means “inkling” or “suspicion”, a slight or vague idea about something.
  • Angst – Refers to “fear” or “anxiety”, the emotional response to perceived danger or stress.
  • Anmeldelse – Translates to “review” or “report”, often used in the context of evaluating books, movies, or events.
  • Annoncere – Means “to advertise”, referring to the act of making something known to the public.
  • Antal – Refers to “number” or “quantity”, used to describe a countable amount.
  • Antik – Short for “antikvitet”, meaning “antique”, referring to objects of historical significance.
  • Antropologi – Means “anthropology”, the study of humans and their cultures.
  • Apotek – Refers to “pharmacy” or “chemist”, a place where medicinal drugs are dispensed.
  • Apparat – Translates to “device” or “apparatus”, referring to a machine or tool designed for a specific function.
  • Arbejde – Means “work”, used to describe the act of labor or employment.
  • Arbejdsplads – Refers to “workplace”, the location where someone is employed.
  • Arvelig – Means “hereditary”, describing traits or conditions passed down from ancestors.
  • Asfalt – Translates to “asphalt”, a material used for paving roads and surfaces.
  • Aske – Refers to “ash”, the residue left after burning.
  • Askebæger – Means “ashtray”, a container for holding ashes from cigarettes or cigars.
  • Aspirant – Refers to a “trainee” or “candidate”, someone in training for a position or role.
  • Asten – Means “aster”, a type of flowering plant.
  • Astronomi – Translates to “astronomy”, the scientific study of celestial bodies.
  • Atten – Means “eighteen”, the number following seventeen.
  • Avstand – Refers to “distance”, the space between two points.
  • Avi – Means “newspaper” or “periodical publication.”
  • Axel – Refers to “axis”, a central line about which an object rotates.