Words that starts with D in German

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Exploring German vocabulary can be both fascinating and educational. Here’s a comprehensive list of words that start with the letter D, each followed by a brief description.

  • Da – A common word meaning “there” or “then,” often used to refer to a place or time.
  • Dank – This word translates to “thanks” or “gratitude,” expressing appreciation.
  • Dach – Meaning “roof,” this word refers to the structure that covers a building.
  • Dame – A term for “lady” or “woman,” it can also refer to a title of respect.
  • Datum – This word means “date,” as in a specific day of the month or year.
  • Decke – The German word for “blanket” or “cover,” used in both literal and figurative contexts.
  • Definitiv – Translating to “definitive” or “certain,” it describes something that is clear or unambiguous.
  • Dachboden – Refers to the “attic,” the space directly under the roof of a house.
  • Dachschaden – Meaning “roof damage,” this term is used in the context of repairs or insurance.
  • Dachziegel – The word for “roof tile,” a component used in roofing.
  • Daimler – A brand name of a famous German automobile manufacturer.
  • Daten – The plural of “Datum,” meaning “data” or “information.”
  • Dauer – This term means “duration” or “length of time.”
  • Deutsch – The word for “German,” referring to the language or anything related to Germany.
  • Drucker – Meaning “printer,” used for devices that print documents or images.
  • Drache – The word for “dragon,” a mythical creature often featured in folklore and fantasy.
  • Drama – This word refers to “drama,” encompassing plays, dramatic literature, and theatrical performances.
  • Droge – Translates to “drug,” referring to substances used for medical or recreational purposes.
  • Durchschnitt – Meaning “average” or “mean,” it is used in statistical contexts.
  • Dübel – A term for “anchor” or “plug,” used in construction to secure screws or nails into walls.
  • Dunkel – The word for “dark,” describing a lack of light or brightness.
  • Düsseldorf – The name of a major city in Germany, known for its vibrant cultural scene and economy.

Each of these words plays a significant role in everyday German communication and understanding.

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