Words that starts with K in Danish

In Danish, the letter K features in a range of common words. Here’s a list of words that start with K, along with brief descriptions for each:

  • Kaffe – Coffee. A popular beverage made from roasted coffee beans.
  • Kage – Cake. A sweet baked dessert that comes in various flavors and forms.
  • Kald – Call. To summon or call out to someone, or the act of calling.
  • Kamp – Fight. A struggle or contest, often used in the context of a physical or metaphorical battle.
  • Kanal – Channel. A conduit for water or a medium for communication, such as television channels.
  • Kanon – Cannon. A large gun or artillery piece used historically in warfare.
  • Kasse – Box or cash register. A container for storing items or a device used in retail for processing transactions.
  • Kat – Cat. A common domestic animal known for its independence and agility.
  • Kendte – Famous. Known or recognized by many people, often in the context of public figures or celebrities.
  • Kilde – Source. The origin of something, such as information or a physical point where something comes from.
  • Klip – Clip. A small piece cut from something, or a short segment of video or audio.
  • Klu – Clue. A piece of information that helps solve a puzzle or understand something.
  • Knytte – To tie or connect. Refers to fastening or linking things together.
  • Køkken – Kitchen. The room in a house where food is prepared and cooked.
  • Kørsel – Driving or transport. Refers to the act of operating a vehicle or the process of transporting goods.
  • Kæde – Chain. A series of connected links or rings, often used for fastening or securing.
  • Kære – Dear. A term of endearment or affection used in addressing someone.
  • Kæreste – Boyfriend or girlfriend. A term for a romantic partner.
  • Købe – To buy. The act of purchasing something in exchange for money.
  • Kæde – Chain. A series of connected links used for fastening or binding.
  • Kraft – Power or strength. Refers to physical or metaphorical force and energy.
  • Kundskab – Knowledge. The information, understanding, or skills gained through experience or education.
  • Klog – Wise or clever. Describes someone with good judgment or intelligence.
  • Kro – Inn. A small hotel or establishment providing lodging and often meals.
  • Korn – Grain. Seeds from cereals or other crops used for food.
  • Katte – Cats. Plural form of “kat”, referring to multiple domestic cats.
  • Klage – Complaint. An expression of dissatisfaction or a grievance.
  • Kæde – Chain. A linked series of rings, used for securing or binding.
  • Kvalitet – Quality. The standard or degree of excellence of something.
  • Kappe – Cape. A type of garment worn over the shoulders, or a geographical term for a headland.
  • Krop – Body. The physical structure of a person or animal, including bones, flesh, and organs.
  • Kæde – Chain. A series of linked rings or loops, used in various contexts for binding or securing.