Words that starts with M in Danish

In Danish, many words start with the letter M. Here’s a comprehensive list along with brief descriptions for each.

  • Måge – Seagull. A type of bird commonly found near the coast.
  • Mælk – Milk. A white liquid produced by mammals, commonly consumed as a beverage or used in cooking.
  • Menneske – Human. A member of the species Homo sapiens, characterized by advanced cognitive abilities.
  • Morgen – Morning. The early part of the day from sunrise until noon.
  • Mål – Goal. An aim or desired result towards which effort is directed.
  • Møbler – Furniture. Various items used to make a room or building suitable for living or working.
  • Mand – Man. An adult male human.
  • Matematik – Mathematics. The abstract science of number, quantity, and space.
  • Mund – Mouth. The opening in the face used for eating and speaking.
  • Med – With. A preposition used to indicate association or accompaniment.
  • Måned – Month. A unit of time based on the lunar cycle, approximately 30 days.
  • Mere – More. A comparative term used to indicate a greater degree.
  • Mellem – Between. A preposition denoting the space separating two points or objects.
  • Mørk – Dark. The absence of light or a lack of brightness.
  • Mænd – Men. The plural form of “mand”, referring to multiple adult male humans.
  • Mink – Mink. A small, semi-aquatic mammal known for its fur, often farmed for this purpose.
  • Mændskab – Humanity. The quality of being humane or kind, also the human race collectively.
  • Mølle – Mill. A building equipped with machinery for grinding grain into flour.
  • Mikrofon – Microphone. An instrument used to convert sound into an electrical signal.
  • Mellemrum – Gap. An empty space between two objects or points.
  • Mellemøst – Middle East. A region that includes Western Asia and parts of North Africa.
  • Magasin – Magazine. A periodical publication containing articles, photographs, and advertisements.
  • Mikroskop – Microscope. An instrument used to view objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
  • Min – My. A possessive pronoun indicating something belongs to the speaker.
  • Måde – Way. A manner or method of doing something.
  • Mod – Against. A preposition denoting opposition or resistance.
  • Målestok – Ruler. A tool used to measure distances or dimensions.
  • Mindre – Less. A comparative term used to indicate a smaller amount or degree.
  • Mellemvej – Crossroad. A point where two or more roads intersect.
  • Mis – Mistake. An error or wrong action.
  • Myrer – Ants. Small insects known for their complex social structures.
  • Magt – Power. The ability to influence or control others.
  • Middagsmad – Lunch. The meal eaten around midday.
  • Melodi – Melody. A sequence of musical notes that is perceived as a single entity.
  • Mur – Wall. A vertical structure used to enclose or divide spaces.
  • Måtte – Must. An auxiliary verb expressing necessity or obligation.
  • Mon – Perhaps. An expression used to suggest uncertainty or speculation.
  • Misforståelse – Misunderstanding. A failure to understand something correctly.