Words that starts with O in Danish

If you're interested in Danish vocabulary, you might want to look into words starting with the letter O. Here’s a list of Danish words beginning with O, along with brief descriptions for each:

  • Oase – An oasis, often referring to a fertile area in a desert where water is available.
  • Oberst – Colonel, a high military rank.
  • Obligatorisk – Mandatory or compulsory, describing something that is required.
  • Objektiv – Objective, which can refer to an impartial point of view or a camera lens.
  • Obskur – Obscure, meaning not well-known or hard to understand.
  • Omlægning – Restructuring or modification, often used in the context of changes or renovations.
  • Område – Area or region, referring to a specific geographic or conceptual space.
  • Omstændigheder – Circumstances, the conditions surrounding an event or situation.
  • Operatør – Operator, a person or entity responsible for managing or controlling machinery or systems.
  • Opdagelse – Discovery, the act of finding or learning something new.
  • Opfordring – Encouragement or invitation, often used to solicit action or participation.
  • Opskrift – Recipe, instructions for preparing a dish or food item.
  • Optagelse – Recording or admission, can refer to capturing sound or video, or being accepted into a group or institution.
  • Optimistisk – Optimistic, describing a hopeful or positive outlook on future events.
  • Orkester – Orchestra, a large group of musicians playing various instruments together.
  • Ornament – Ornament, a decorative item used to enhance appearance.
  • Oprindelse – Origin or source, referring to the beginning or cause of something.
  • Oprør – Rebellion or revolt, an act of resistance against authority or control.
  • Ose – To ooze, referring to a slow leakage or emission of liquid.
  • Overflade – Surface, the outermost layer or boundary of an object.
  • Overraskelse – Surprise, an unexpected event or gift.
  • Overvejelse – Consideration, the process of thinking carefully about something.
  • Ovn – Oven, an appliance used for baking or roasting food.
  • Opgave – Task or assignment, referring to a piece of work or duty to be completed.
  • Optegnelse – Record or note, a written account or documentation of information.
  • Opløsning – Resolution, which can refer to the act of solving a problem or the clarity of an image.
  • Opslag – Posting or notice, often used for public announcements or advertisements.
  • Opfordre – To encourage or invite, urging someone to take action.
  • Opfattelse – Perception or understanding, how something is interpreted or viewed.
  • Oprydning – Cleanup, the act of organizing or tidying up an area.
  • Opgivelse – Abandonment or surrender, giving up on something.
  • Overenskomst – Agreement or treaty, a formal arrangement between parties.

This selection highlights a variety of words with diverse meanings, offering a glimpse into Danish language and terminology.