Words that starts with R in Danish

In Danish, many words start with the letter R, covering a range of meanings and uses. Here’s a complete list with brief descriptions of each term.

  • Rabat – Discount. Used to refer to a reduction in price.
  • Racisme – Racism. A term denoting the belief in the superiority of one race over others.
  • Radio – Radio. Refers to the device used for receiving radio broadcasts or the medium itself.
  • Raffinere – Refine. To improve or make something more precise, often used in contexts like refining materials or skills.
  • Rafte – To rafter. The act of constructing or repairing rafters in a building.
  • Rage – To rage. Describes a state of intense anger or fury.
  • Ramme – Frame. An outer structure or boundary that supports or encloses something.
  • Rang – Rank. Refers to a position or status in a hierarchy.
  • Raske – To recover. The act of regaining health or returning to a normal state after illness.
  • Rask – Healthy. Describes someone who is in good physical condition or free from illness.
  • Rester – Remains. Leftovers or what is left after something has been used or removed.
  • Ret – Right. Can refer to the direction opposite to left or correctness.
  • Retur – Return. The act of giving back something or the process of going back to a place.
  • Rejse – Travel. The act of moving from one place to another, often for leisure or work.
  • Resterne – The remnants or leftovers of something, usually referring to food or other items left after use.
  • Rødt – Red. A color that is often associated with warmth, passion, or danger.
  • Røve – To rob. The act of taking something unlawfully from someone.
  • Rød – Red. Another term for the color red, used in different contexts.
  • Rødme – Blush. The act of turning red in the face due to embarrassment or emotion.
  • Røg – Smoke. The visible vapor and gases given off by burning or other chemical processes.
  • Rør – Pipe. A cylindrical conduit used for transporting fluids or gases.
  • Rysten – To shake. The action of moving something back and forth or up and down quickly.

These Danish words starting with R offer a glimpse into various aspects of the language, from everyday objects and actions to emotions and states of being.