Words that starts with S in Danish

In Danish, many words start with the letter “S.” Here's a comprehensive list of such words along with their brief descriptions:

  • Sko: Shoes. Commonly used for footwear.
  • Skole: School. Refers to the institution where education occurs.
  • Sund: Healthy. Describes something that is good for health.
  • : Lake. A body of water surrounded by land.
  • Syg: Sick. Refers to being unwell or ill.
  • Smerte: Pain. The physical or emotional discomfort.
  • Skriv: Write. An action related to putting words on paper or a screen.
  • Sundhed: Health. The state of being free from illness or injury.
  • Sæt: Set. A collection of items or to place something.
  • Sole: Sun. The star at the center of our solar system.
  • Sov: Sleep. The state of rest in which the body recovers.
  • Salg: Sale. The process of selling goods or services.
  • Spise: Eat. The act of consuming food.
  • Sætning: Sentence. A set of words that express a complete thought.
  • Sandsynlig: Probable. Likely to happen or be true.
  • Skrid: Step. A movement of the foot in walking or running.
  • Skoledag: School day. The day during which school activities occur.
  • Sikker: Safe. Free from danger or risk.
  • Skarp: Sharp. Having a fine edge or point; can also describe someone with keen intellect.
  • Skarphed: Sharpness. The quality of having a fine edge.
  • Samfund: Society. The community or population living in a particular area.
  • Skæbne: Fate. The development of events beyond a person's control.
  • Sætning: Sentence. A grammatical unit with a subject and predicate.

This list includes a variety of common Danish words starting with “S” and offers a glimpse into their meanings.