Words with O and Circumflex Accent (ô) in French

  • Côte – Coast or slope. Can refer to a geographical feature or a side of something, such as in a hillside.
  • Hôtel – Hotel. A place that provides lodging, often for travelers or tourists.
  • Môme – Kid or child (informal). A casual term used to refer to a young person.
  • Rôle – Role. The function or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation.
  • Pôle – Pole. A geographical or magnetic point, or a central point of activity.
  • Hôpital – Hospital. A medical facility for treating the sick or injured.
  • Crôutons – Croutons. Small pieces of toasted or fried bread, typically used as a topping for soups and salads.
  • Écôlier – Schoolboy. A student attending school, particularly a younger one.
  • Dôme – Dome. A rounded, often vaulted architectural feature on a building or structure.

These words showcase the various contexts in which the circumflex accent on “ô” is employed, adding nuance and historical depth to the French language.


Complete List of Words with “ô”

Here is a list of French words that contain the letter O with an accent circonflexe (ô) and their translations:

  • à côté – next to
  • à-côté – side issue
  • à-côtés – side issues
  • alcôve – alcove
  • alcôves – alcoves
  • allô – hello (on the phone)
  • amenôkal – amenokal (a specific term not widely used)
  • antichômage – anti-unemployment
  • apôtre – apostle
  • apôtres – apostles
  • arôme – aroma
  • arômes – aromas
  • arrière-côte – back coast
  • assurance-chômage – unemployment insurance
  • aumône – alms
  • aumônerie – chaplaincy
  • aumônes – alms (plural)
  • aumônier – chaplain
  • aumônière – chaplain (female)
  • aumônières – chaplains (female, plural)
  • aumôniers – chaplains
  • aussitôt – immediately
  • autocontrôle – self-control
  • bas-côté – side aisle
  • bas-côtés – side aisles
  • bientôt – soon
  • binôme – pair
  • binômes – pairs
  • bipôle – bipole
  • biscôme – biscome (a specific term not widely used)
  • blépharoptôse – blepharoptosis (a medical term)
  • bôme – boom (nautical)
  • bômé – boomed
  • bord-côte – border coast
  • bord-côtes – border coasts
  • Bouches-du-Rhône – Bouches-du-Rhône (a French department)
  • chômable – unemployment-prone
  • chômage – unemployment
  • chômages – unemployment (plural)
  • chômai – I was unemployed (past tense)
  • chômais – I was unemployed (imperfect tense)
  • chômant – being unemployed
  • chôme – is unemployed
  • chômé – unemployed (past participle)
  • chômer – to be unemployed
  • chômerai – I will be unemployed
  • chômeur – unemployed person (male)
  • chômeurs – unemployed people (male)
  • chômeuse – unemployed person (female)
  • chômeuses – unemployed people (female)
  • clôt – closes (past tense)
  • clôturai – I closed (past tense)
  • clôturais – I was closing (imperfect tense)
  • clôture – fence
  • clôturé – closed (past participle)
  • clôturer – to close off
  • clôturerai – I will close off
  • clôtures – fences
  • côchai – I cornered (past tense)
  • côchais – I was cornering (imperfect tense)
  • côche – corners
  • côcher – to corner
  • côcherai – I will corner
  • côlon – colon (anatomical)
  • côlons – colons
  • Côme – Como (a city)
  • cômos – comos (a specific term not widely used)
  • cône – cone
  • cônir – to cone (a specific term not widely used)
  • cônirai – I will cone (a specific term not widely used)
  • cônis – conic
  • cônissais – I was conic (imperfect tense, specific term)
  • contrôlabilité – controllability
  • contrôlable – controllable
  • contrôlables – controllables
  • contrôlai – I controlled (past tense)
  • contrôlais – I was controlling (imperfect tense)
  • contrôle – control
  • contrôlé – controlled
  • contrôlée – controlled (feminine)
  • contrôler – to control
  • contrôlerai – I will control
  • contrôles – controls
  • contrôleur – controller
  • contrôleurs – controllers
  • contrôleuse – controller (female)
  • contrôleuses – controllers (female)
  • côt – side (archaic use)
  • côte – coast
  • côté – side
  • côte-rôtie – Côte-Rôtie (a French wine region)
  • côtelé – ribbed
  • côtelée – ribbed (feminine)
  • côtelette – cutlet
  • côteline – cutlet (feminine)
  • côtes – coasts
  • côtés – sides
  • Côtes-du-Nord – Côtes-du-Nord (a former French department)
  • côtes-du-rhône – Côtes-du-Rhône (a French wine region)
  • côtier – coastal
  • côtière – coastal (feminine)
  • côtières – coastal (feminine, plural)
  • côtiers – coastal (male, plural)
  • côtoie – mingles with
  • côtoiement – mingling
  • côtoierai – I will mingle
  • côtoyai – I mingled (past tense)
  • côtoyais – I was mingling (imperfect tense)
  • côtoyer – to mingle with
  • couche-tôt – early riser
  • cumulo-dôme – cumulo-dome (a specific term not widely used)
  • d'hôtel – of the hotel
  • de côté – aside
  • dépôt – deposit
  • dépôt-vente – consignment store
  • dépôts – deposits
  • dessus-de-côtes – over the coasts
  • détrônai – I dethroned (past tense)
  • détrônais – I was dethroning (imperfect tense)
  • détrône – dethrones
  • détrôné – dethroned
  • détrônement – dethronement
  • détrônements – dethronements
  • détrôner – to dethrone
  • détrônerai – I will dethrone
  • diplômai – I graduated (past tense)
  • diplômais – I was graduating (imperfect tense)
  • diplôme – diploma
  • diplômé – graduated (past participle)
  • diplômée – graduated (feminine)
  • diplômer – to graduate
  • diplômerai – I will graduate
  • diplômes – diplomas
  • dipôle – dipole
  • dipôles – dipoles
  • dôle – dôle (a specific term not widely used)
  • dolichocôlon – dolichocolon (a medical term)
  • dolichomégacôlon – dolichomegacolon (a medical term)
  • dôme – dome
  • dômes – domes
  • dông – dông (a specific term not widely used)
  • drôle – funny
  • drôlement – very funny
  • drôlerie – funniness
  • drôleries – funniness (plural)
  • drôles – funny (plural)
  • drôlesse – funny woman
  • drôlesses – funny women
  • drôlet – funny little
  • drôlets – funny little (plural)
  • Drôme – Drôme (a French department)
  • écôtage – écôtage (a specific term not widely used)
  • écôter – to écôter (a specific term not widely used)
  • enclôture – enclosure
  • enjôlai – I charmed (past tense)
  • enjôlais – I was charming (imperfect tense)
  • enjôle – charms
  • enjôlé – charmed
  • enjôlée – charmed (feminine)
  • enjôlement – charming
  • enjôlements – charmings
  • enjôler – to charm
  • enjôlerai – I will charm
  • enjôleur – charmer
  • enjôleurs – charmers
  • enjôleuse – charmer (female)
  • enjôleuses – charmers (female)
  • enrôla – he/she/it enlisted (past tense)
  • enrôlai – I enlisted (past tense)
  • enrôlaient – they were enlisting (imperfect tense)
  • enrôlais – I was enlisting (imperfect tense)
  • enrôlait – he/she/it was enlisting (imperfect tense)
  • enrôlant – enlisting
  • enrôlassent – they enlisted (past tense)
  • enrôlât – he/she/it enlisted (past tense)
  • enrôle – enlists
  • enrôlé – enlisted
  • enrôlée – enlisted (feminine)
  • enrôlement – enlistment
  • enrôlements – enlistments
  • enrôlent – they enlist
  • enrôler – to enlist
  • enrôlera – he/she/it will enlist
  • enrôlerai – I will enlist
  • enrôleraient – they would enlist
  • enrôlerait – he/she/it would enlist
  • enrôlèrent – they enlisted (past tense)
  • enrôleront – they will enlist
  • enrôleur – enroller
  • enrôleurs – enrollers
  • enrôleuse – enroller (female)
  • enrôleuses – enrollers (female)
  • entéroptôse – enteroptosis (a medical term)
  • entôlage – entolage (a specific term not widely used)
  • entôlai – I entolaged (past tense, specific term)
  • entôlais – I was entolaging (imperfect tense, specific term)
  • entôle – entolages (specific term)
  • entôlée – entolaged (feminine, specific term)
  • entôler – to entolage (specific term)
  • entôlerai – I will entolage (specific term)
  • entôleur – entolager (specific term)
  • entôleurs – entolagers (specific term)
  • entôleuse – entolager (female, specific term)
  • entôleuses – entolagers (female, specific term)
  • entrecôte – rib steak
  • entrepôt – warehouse
  • entrepôts – warehouses
  • fantôme – ghost
  • fantômes – ghosts
  • frôlai – I brushed against (past tense)
  • frôlais – I was brushing against (imperfect tense)
  • frôle – brushes against
  • frôlement – brushing
  • frôlements – brushings
  • frôler – to brush against
  • frôlerai – I will brush against
  • frôleur – brusher
  • frôleurs – brushers
  • frôleuse – brusher (female)
  • frôleuses – brushers (female)
  • garde-côte – coast guard
  • gastroptôse – gastroptosis (a medical term)
  • geôle – dungeon
  • geôles – dungeons
  • geôlier – jailer
  • geôlière – jailer (female)
  • geôlières – jailers (female, plural)
  • geôliers – jailers
  • glossoptôse – glossoptosis (a medical term)
  • gnôle – homemade liquor
  • gnôles – homemade liquors
  • haut-de-côtelettes – top of the cutlets
  • haut-de-côtes – top of the coasts
  • Haute-Saône – Haute-Saône (a French department)
  • hôm – hôn (a specific term not widely used)
  • hôpital – hospital
  • hôte – host
  • hôtel – hotel
  • Hôtel-Club – Hotel-Club
  • hôtel-Dieu – Hôtel-Dieu (a historical hospital)
  • hôtelier – hotelier
  • hôtelière – hotelier (female)
  • hôtelières – hoteliers (female, plural)
  • hôteliers – hoteliers
  • hôtellerie – hospitality industry
  • hôtelleries – hospitality industries
  • hôtels – hotels
  • hôtels-Dieu – Hôtel-Dieu (historical hospitals)
  • hôtes – hosts
  • hôtesse – hostess
  • hôtesses – hostesses
  • hôtise – hôtise (a specific term not widely used)
  • icône – icon
  • icônes – icons
  • impôt – tax
  • impôts – taxes
  • incontrôlable – uncontrollable
  • incontrôlables – uncontrollables
  • incontrôlé – uncontrollable
  • incontrôlée – uncontrollable (feminine)
  • indétrônable – unassailable
  • Itô – Itô (a Japanese name)
  • Jérôme – Jerome (a name)
  • kératocône – keratoconus (a medical term)
  • khôl – kohl (a type of eyeliner)
  • laisser de côté – to put aside
  • lève-tôt – early riser
  • lône – lône (a specific term not widely used)
  • maltôte – maltote (a specific term not widely used)
  • mégacôlon – megacolon (a medical term)
  • mégadolichocôlon – megadolichocolon (a medical term)
  • mésocôlon – mesocolon (a medical term)
  • mettre de côté – to put aside
  • mi-côte – mid-coast
  • môlaire – molar
  • môle – mole
  • môles – moles
  • môme – kid
  • mômerie – kid's stuff
  • mômeries – kid's stuff (plural)
  • mômes – kids
  • môminette – little kid
  • môn – môn (a specific term not widely used)
  • môn-khmer – Mon-Khmer (an ethnic group)
  • monôme – monomial
  • monopôle – monopoly
  • multipôle – multipole
  • navire-hôpital – hospital ship
  • néphroptôse – nephroptosis (a medical term)
  • niôle – niôle (a specific term not widely used)
  • nivôse – nivose (a historical month in the French Revolutionary calendar)
  • – nô (a Japanese theatrical form)
  • nôtre – our
  • nôtre poss – our (possessive)
  • ô – oh
  • ôs – oh (plural)
  • ôta – he/she/it removed (past tense)
  • ôtable – removable
  • ôtai – I removed (past tense)
  • ôtaient – they were removing (imperfect tense)
  • ôtais – I was removing (imperfect tense)
  • ôtait – he/she/it was removing (imperfect tense)
  • ôtant – removing
  • ôtassent – they removed (past tense)
  • ôtât – he/she/it removed (past tense)
  • ôte – removes
  • ôté – removed
  • ôtée – removed (feminine)
  • ôtées – removed (feminine, plural)
  • ôtent – they remove
  • ôter – to remove
  • ôtera – he/she/it will remove
  • ôterai – I will remove
  • ôteraient – they would remove
  • ôterait – he/she/it would remove
  • ôtèrent – they removed (past tense)
  • ôteront – they will remove
  • Pacôme – Pacome (a name)
  • parahôtelier – para-hotelier
  • parahôtellerie – para-hospitality
  • patenôtre – paternoster
  • patenôtres – paternosters
  • Pentecôte – Pentecost
  • pentecôte – Pentecost (alternative spelling)
  • pentecôtisme – Pentecostalism
  • pentecôtiste – Pentecostal
  • plutôt – rather
  • pluviôse – Pluviôse (a historical month in the French Revolutionary calendar)
  • pôle – pole
  • pôles – poles
  • polynôme – polynomial
  • prévôt – provost
  • prévôtal – provostial
  • prévôtale – provostial (feminine)
  • prévôté – provostship
  • prévôts – provosts
  • prônai – I preached (past tense)
  • prônais – I was preaching (imperfect tense)
  • prône – preaches
  • prôné – preached
  • prôner – to preach
  • prônerai – I will preach
  • prônes – preaches
  • prôneur – preacher
  • prôneurs – preachers
  • prôneuse – preacher (female)
  • prôneuses – preachers (female)
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte – Provence-Alpes-Côte (a French region)
  • ptôse – ptosis (a medical term)
  • ptôses – ptoses
  • ptôsis – ptosis (a medical term)
  • Puy-de-Dôme – Puy-de-Dôme (a French department)
  • pylône – pylon
  • pylônes – pylons
  • quadripôle – quadrupole
  • quadrupôle – quadrupole
  • quôc-ngu – quốc ngữ (Vietnamese writing system)
  • radôme – radome
  • rétrocontrôle – retro-control
  • rhô – rhô (a specific term not widely used)
  • rhônalpin – Rhônalpin (a regional term)
  • Rhône – Rhône (a French department/river)
  • Rhône-Alpes – Rhône-Alpes (a former French region)
  • rôdai – I roamed (past tense)
  • rôdaillai – I roamed (past tense, colloquial)
  • rôdaillais – I was roaming (imperfect tense, colloquial)
  • rôdaille – roams around
  • rôdaillé – roamed around
  • rôdailler – to roam around
  • rôdaillerai – I will roam around
  • rôdais – I was roaming (imperfect tense)
  • rôde – roams
  • rôdé – roamed
  • rôder – to roam
  • rôderai – I will roam
  • rôdeur – roamer
  • rôdeurs – roamers
  • rôdeuse – roamer (female)
  • rôlage – roaming
  • rôle – role
  • rôle-titre – title role
  • rôles – roles
  • rôliste – role-player
  • rôneraie – roleroil
  • rônier – rônier (a specific term not widely used)
  • rôniers – rônier (plural)
  • rôt – roast
  • rôti – roast (cooked)
  • rôtie – roasted (feminine)
  • rôtir – to roast
  • rôtirai – I will roast
  • rôtis – roasts
  • rôtissage – roasting
  • rôtissais – I was roasting (imperfect tense)
  • rôtisserie – rotisserie
  • rôtisseries – rotisseries
  • rôtisseur – roaster
  • rôtisseuse – roaster (female)
  • rôtissoire – roasting pan
  • rôtissoires – roasting pans
  • rôts – roasts
  • s'ôter – to take off (oneself)
  • Saône – Saône (a French river)
  • Saône-et-Loire – Saône-et-Loire (a French department)
  • self-contrôle – self-control
  • self-contrôles – self-controls
  • shintô – Shinto (a Japanese religion)
  • sitôt – as soon as
  • suppôt – henchman
  • suppôts – henchmen
  • symptôme – symptom
  • symptômes – symptoms
  • tantôt – soon
  • tantôts – sometimes (archaic)
  • taôisme – Taoism
  • taôiste – Taoist
  • technopôle – technopole
  • télécontrôle – remote control
  • tôlard – jailbird
  • tôlardes – jailbirds (female)
  • tôle – sheet metal
  • tôlé – sheet metal (past participle)
  • tôlée – sheet metal (feminine)
  • tôlerie – sheet metal work
  • tôleries – sheet metal works
  • tôles – sheets metal
  • tôlier – sheet metal worker
  • tôlière – sheet metal worker (female)
  • tôlières – sheet metal workers (female)
  • tôliers – sheet metal workers
  • tôt – early
  • tôt-fait – early done
  • tout drôle – quite funny
  • tricône – tricone
  • trinôme – trinomial
  • trinômes – trinomials
  • trôle – trôle (a specific term not widely used)
  • trônai – I reigned (past tense)
  • trônais – I was reigning (imperfect tense)
  • trône – throne
  • trôné – reigned
  • trôner – to reign
  • trônerai – I will reign
  • trônes – thrones
  • valdôtain – Valdostan
  • Vendôme – Vendôme (a French town)
  • vendôme – Vendôme (alternative spelling)
  • ventôse – Ventôse (a historical month in the French Revolutionary calendar)
  • vôtre – yours
  • vôtre poss – yours (possessive)